5 Common coding errors that are costing you money

5 Common coding errors that are costing you money

5 Common coding errors that are costing you money Every doctor knows the balancing act between seeing patients & getting through admin tasks. For lots of busy professionals, the answer is to fit in as many patients as possible, leaving paperwork for later. While this can be effective at the time, it also often means […]

4 Billing mistakes that cost you money

4 Billing mistakes that cost you money

4 Billing mistakes that cost you money Billing is the lifeblood of any business, & your medical practice is no exception. It’s also the area of your business that’s most prone to error. Mistakes are impossible to avoid when using a manual or paper-based system but even technology alone doesn’t make your billing foolproof. The […]

Private medical practice trends in 2024

Private medical practice trends in 2024

5 trends to help you successfully navigate the future of healthcare As the new year gets underway, it’s a great time to reevaluate where your practice is heading & how you can maximise growth in 2024. This blog explores key trends shaping the future of healthcare delivery to give you the insights you need to […]

Mastering consultation fees for 2024

Mastering consultation fees for 2024

Mastering Consultation Fees for 2024 Setting consultation fees is a critical aspect of running a successful medical practice. However, it’s rarely as simple as (desired annual income + overhead costs)/ number of consultations = consultation fee. While this basic equation is an important starting point, setting the right consultation fee requires a delicate balance between […]

5 Easy ways to personalise patient experience at your medical practice

5 Easy ways to personalise patient experience at your medical practice Personalisation at your medical practice builds trust with patients & can lead to better treatment outcomes. This boosts satisfaction & happy patients return & refer other patients. More patients mean more revenue & so we can make the link between personalisation & positive implications […]