5 Smart ways to acquire new patients

5 Smart ways to acquire new patients

5 Smart ways to acquire new patients New patients are looking online for GPs, Specialists, Surgeons, & Allied health professionals. They might have a set of criteria to guide their search, like location, medical aid coverage, &/or availability. But the biggest deciding factor for whether they book an appointment at your practice is your online […]

Private medical practice trends in 2024

Private medical practice trends in 2024

5 trends to help you successfully navigate the future of healthcare As the new year gets underway, it’s a great time to reevaluate where your practice is heading & how you can maximise growth in 2024. This blog explores key trends shaping the future of healthcare delivery to give you the insights you need to […]

6 Questions to ask your provider when buying cloud-based technology

6 Questions to ask your provider when buying cloud-based technology

6 Questions to ask your provider when buying cloud-based technology The shift to cloud-based solutions is becoming increasingly prevalent across the healthcare landscape. Known for its flexibility, convenience & sustainability, it’s no surprise that more & more medical practices are embracing cloud-based billing & practice management solutions. If you are considering making the leap, there […]

Mastering consultation fees for 2024

Mastering consultation fees for 2024

Mastering Consultation Fees for 2024 Setting consultation fees is a critical aspect of running a successful medical practice. However, it’s rarely as simple as (desired annual income + overhead costs)/ number of consultations = consultation fee. While this basic equation is an important starting point, setting the right consultation fee requires a delicate balance between […]

5 Easy ways to personalise patient experience at your medical practice

5 Easy ways to personalise patient experience at your medical practice Personalisation at your medical practice builds trust with patients & can lead to better treatment outcomes. This boosts satisfaction & happy patients return & refer other patients. More patients mean more revenue & so we can make the link between personalisation & positive implications […]

Medical practice makeover

Medical practice makeover Your medical practice isn’t immune to setbacks. Maybe you’ve noticed a decline in patient appointments, or you’re struggling to meet your business goals. The good news is that challenges are a natural (read: necessary) part of business growth & development. While it might not be easy, it’s a good time to adapt […]